
Pink for Passion

Let’s talk about colours and the role they play in the interior aspect of the room particularly vintage old fashioned turned modern.

My personal favourite is pink. I’ve denied the fact that I love the colour countless times but soon I realized that I can’t hide away from the truth cuz yeah, most of my outfits are 70% pink, if not black and grey. A pink bedroom seems to be too much but to me as long as you put your heart and soul into it and go with it all the way, you can achieve great things; as cheesy as that may sound. I love pink and pink loves me! I guess I used to think that pink is a girly colour meant for girly girls and spoiled brats. You get the idea. But that was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay long before I reached puberty. Ahaha. Now, everyone loves pink! Even boys! So anyway, we’ve all got that special colour that we love, one that we wear everyday when we go out, without even realizing it. One point that I have to stress here is that we should all know what colour fits us, and which doesn’t. This includes the clothes that we choose to wear, makeup, and what not. Choose the colour that’s perfect for your skin tone and one that matches your personality and style. It’s imperative that we pick the colour wisely to avoid mismatch which would ultimately lead to fashion flop! Nevertheless, let’s not dwell on that now.

When we’re talking about the style of a certain room, there’s a lot of design factors that comes with it. But with vintage inspired room, it’s a different thing altogether because it takes into account the old and the new. I’m no expert at interior designing and all the technical aspects of design, but I know a pretty room when I see one!

When I first started revamping my room, I had a hard time figuring out what kind of room I wanted it to be like. You know, one that totally screams my individuality. My bedroom wall was like a blank white canvas just waiting to be painted. So yeah, like I said, I decided to paint it pink. Two shades of pink, like a feature wall. A dark pink and a shade less pink. My dad was in a total disagreement with the colour I chose and said that the colour is too bright for me, and the room, as it would let all the sunlight in during the day and my room will eventually appear hotter than it already was. I gave him the i-don’t-care-what-you-think look and then confidently reply: ‘Dah siap cat nanti mesti bilik mira lagi hot than the sun.’ :P He actually helped me paint the whole room. Nak mati apa cat bilik sorang2? Lol. Anyway, the job took us a day to finish. After that I bought 2 cans of glossy paint and paint my bedroom door black. It blends in really well with light pink, so yeah, I just went for it. I put on some wall deco stickers on the wall too to give it a touch of magic. Hah. I really don’t want the wall to look too blank and boring. So the stickers have a story to tell. I think the pictures will do my room more justice.

Wall deco lamp sticker and a white utility box that goes well with the pink wall
Catch that bird, kitty!
City of Paris wall deco. Everyone loves Paris!
The Old Wooden Cupboard
The vintage alarm clock (which seems to be working) and a ceramic painted light blue rose made by a good friend of mine.
The Black Door
Another wall deco cat sticker, which strongly suggests that I'm a cat person. Miao. ;)

I have a LOT of furnitures and small items in my bedroom wishlist that I'd like to get and I know exactly where to get all the things I need to make my room a better, cosier place to jump up and about.


Darn you Ikea:

so easy on the wallet,
so hard on the soul.

Okay, so IKEA haiku may not be the Next Big Thing. But my Next Big Step IS! Which is why when I get enough savings, I'm gonna head down there and get a cute white cabinet and a table lamp to go with it. :)

Like this one!
And this!

Pink, to me, especially yogurt coloured pink is a vintage inspired colour and looks good with anything. Peach too. And turquoise. Basically light yogurt colours. Add a bit of black to make it look more edgy and solid. Don’t forget white. It’s the most essential colour of all. White has this sense of pure innocence to it that’s just so hard to resist. You can mix it up with all colours and adding white makes a whole lot of difference. Place an old wooden frame with various colours, clocks, pictures from the 50s, 60s, a board to stick all your favourite things, and just anything at all that inspires you.

Now this is my idea of the perfect bedroom.

Simple, yet classy. 

What’s important is that it doesn’t look extravagant, over the top and expensive.

Rouge and rose, Stylish and bold.
This is a feminine and romantic bedroom with mix-and-match accessories and furniture for a truly vintage style a la colour.

{Photo courtesy of: Cellar Door}

Also, check out these great photos for more inspiration.

A great way to show your clothes off. Or hang them up to dry.

 a French boudoir in vintage pink.

Just remember to set a theme for your room and let your imagination run wild! That ought to do the trick!

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